Using Markdown to format your document
What is Markdown?
Web pages and browsers, and thus also invoices and quotes formatted with CoManage, use HTML as their "language." However, since this language is not user-friendly (due to the use of foreign characters and "tags"), an easy-to-use alternative was found in Markdown.
Markdown can thus be described as an easy-to-use language for formatting text on the Web. For example, you can easily add headings, highlight text, or create bullets - all directly in your text and without too much extra handling.
Using Markdown
In CoManage you can use markdown for formatting such things as:
invoice and quotation lines
intro and additional text on your invoice or quotation
general terms and conditions
Markdown can be used directly in your invoice and quotation lines. At the intro and extra text you can place a check mark when you want markdown to be active.

Markdown formatting
The overview below describes the elements that can be useful for formatting your text while writing in Markdown.
CoManage uses three different sizes for formatting headings. The largest size header is formatted as follows, by preceding your header with one hash (#):
# Header 1
Header type 2 and type 3 are then formatted as follows, preceded by two or three hashes, respectively:
## Header 2
### Header 3
Start text on a new line:
After your text, press the enter key once to start a new line. Press the enter key twice to add an extra blank line, which is useful for separating paragraphs.
Italic text:
You provide italicized text by surrounding a word, or group of words, with one asterisk (*) (also called an "asterisk") each time:
*This text will be displayed in italics*
Bold text:
Bold text is provided by surrounding a word, or group of words, with two asterisks () (also called "asterisks") each time:
**This text will be displayed in bold**
Horizontal line:
You add a horizontal line by providing three hyphens on a new line as follows:
Bulleted list:
A bulleted list is created by providing each item in the bulleted list with one asterisk (*). A subsequent item is added on a new line by pressing the enter key once:
* apples
* pears
* plums
Numbered enumeration list:
A numbered enumeration list is created by labeling each item in the enumeration with the desired number. A subsequent item is added on a new line by pressing the enter key once:
1. apples
2. pears
3. plums
A link to a Web page in your text is created by surrounding the "link text" with square brackets ( [ ] ). Then, without a space after the last square bracket ( ] ), enter the address of the page you want to link to. This address reference, in turn, you place between round brackets. The whole thing can look like this:
[link to Google](
Source: Wikipedia.
Updated on: 18/01/2024
Thank you!