Create your first cost
Cost overview
The cost overview page works similarly to the invoice overview page. There's a list of your costs which you can filter and sort.
You can create your first cost by clicking on the button "new cost". The next page lets you fill in your cost details.
You can choose to start with the form, or to start by adding an image / pdf file of your cost / invoice.
You can setup the following data for your cost:
enter a title
connect to a supplier
select a status
enter a date and a due date
select a VAT type
select a cost type
enter the totals
connect to a customer
connect to a project
enter cost lines
add notes

Cost lines
Just like with invoices, costs also have invoicing lines. It's not required, so you can just fill in the totals and leave it at that. Cost lines are a bit simpler than invoice lines. You can setup a cost type for each cost line.

Add PDF / image
You can add a PDF or image to your cost. It will be visible next to the form, so you can easily read the information off the image to fill it in.

It is possible to add your costs based on the pdf-files or images. In the overview page, press 'upload' to add the files to CoManage.

You can easily navigate through the new costs to enter the information!
Updated on: 24/11/2023
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