Adding terms and conditions
In CoManage, you easily add your terms and conditions so that they are always attached to the pdf of your invoice, quote, credit invoice or order.
Click the wheel at the bottom left of your CoManage screen to go to settings.
Then click 'invoice settings'.
Then go to the heading 'terms and conditions'.
Here you add your terms and conditions for invoices. You can choose in how many columns you want to show the text. Also, you can ask AI for help and you can add different translations.

In your pdf template you can then choose in the On/Off part to show the terms and conditions and have them start on a new page.

You can copy and paste the terms and conditions to quotes, credit notes and orders or you can add separate terms and conditions in the settings of these documents.
To see what it looks like, you can then go to 'actions' and 'view pdf' in an invoice.
Maybe you already have a fixed pdf file of your own in a certain format and want to add it as general conditions to an invoice. This is also possible in CoManage with the following steps.
Click the wheel at the bottom left of your CoManage screen to go to settings.
Then click on 'invoice settings'.
Then go to 'pdf templates'.
Within your chosen template, scroll all the way down to 'Attachments'.

Here you upload a new attachment and then merge it with the pdf.
When you select this template, your terms and conditions will always be sent with this template.
Setting the terms and conditions
Click the wheel at the bottom left of your CoManage screen to go to settings.
Then click 'invoice settings'.
Then go to the heading 'terms and conditions'.
Here you add your terms and conditions for invoices. You can choose in how many columns you want to show the text. Also, you can ask AI for help and you can add different translations.

In your pdf template you can then choose in the On/Off part to show the terms and conditions and have them start on a new page.

You can copy and paste the terms and conditions to quotes, credit notes and orders or you can add separate terms and conditions in the settings of these documents.
To see what it looks like, you can then go to 'actions' and 'view pdf' in an invoice.
Add your own pdf with terms and conditions
Maybe you already have a fixed pdf file of your own in a certain format and want to add it as general conditions to an invoice. This is also possible in CoManage with the following steps.
Click the wheel at the bottom left of your CoManage screen to go to settings.
Then click on 'invoice settings'.
Then go to 'pdf templates'.
Within your chosen template, scroll all the way down to 'Attachments'.

Here you upload a new attachment and then merge it with the pdf.
When you select this template, your terms and conditions will always be sent with this template.
Updated on: 06/10/2023
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