Change your business name in an existing account
Change your business name in an existing account
Did your business name change? We will show you in a few simple steps how to change these in CoManage for new documents and how to change your company name in existing documents.
Change business name
Click on your profile icon and then "team" in the lower left corner
Scroll to the section "Business info" and update the field "Business name".

Your business name is now updated and automatically visible on new documents! If you want to change existing documents follow the steps below.
Change company name on existing invoices
Left click on your profile icon and then "team."
Scroll to the section "business info" and update the field at "business name."
Go to your invoice overview and select the invoice on which you want to change the business name.
Click on the green action button and choose "refresh team info".

Updated on: 17/01/2023
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